For me — and this happened last night — it was: "There's a reason there's a rule against jumping on the furniture."
I even said it twice. It was, apparently, an important revelation in the world of a dream of which I have no memory.
@warnagresik cat Moonlight Red PU #catmoonlight #moonlightred #catmobil #catmotor #warna2000 ♬ suara asli - warna2000
@warnagresik Cat Moonlight Blue PU Gresik #catmoonlight #moonlightblue #catmotor #catmobil #tokocat #catpu #kece ♬ suara asli - warna2000
@warnagresik Moonlight Red PU Gresik #moonlightredpu #catmoonlightred #moonlightredpu #gresik #tokocat #kece ♬ suara asli - warna2000
For me — and this happened last night — it was: "There's a reason there's a rule against jumping on the furniture."
I even said it twice. It was, apparently, an important revelation in the world of a dream of which I have no memory.